The Mishpacha (Family) program meets twice a month and engages families with young children ages 2 to 5 in Jewish learning and living. This class is free and open to the community. Teachers utilize experiential education methods to teach young children and their parents about Jewish holidays, Jewish values, Bible stories, basic Hebrew words and Jewish living. Through art, music, dance, cooking, play, and holiday celebrations, families are able to begin building a Jewish home, create Jewish memories, and experience being Jewish together in a warm and welcoming community.
Families come into this program from a variety of backgrounds and we ensure that our teachers construct lessons that engage learners of all levels of knowledge.
Our wish is that Mispacha provides a platform from which young families can learn more about Judaism, get to know one another, spend time together, and build community with other Jewish families in the area. This program is made possible by a generous grant from the Jewish Federation of Ventura County.
The educational Goals of this family program are:
- To begin families on a journey of Jewish learning together.
- To introduce students to idea of Jewish learning and living through art, music, dance, games etc.
- To create a sacred community of families with young children.
- To introduce families to Jewish holiday practices they can do in their homes.