“On that day you shall tell your children, it is because of what Adonai did for me in taking me from the Land of Egypt” — Exodus 13:8
Contemporary issues of personal freedom, human dignity, and the inherent respect of all people mingle with the cornerstone story of Jewish peoplehood–the Exodus from slavery– that we retell at Passover. Our first night community Seder, scheduled for Wednesday, April 5, 2023, 6:00 PM, has become a popular event for people of all ages, as we use a family-friendly Haggadah, and include child-centered activities while retaining an adult focus on the story and the issues of the Seder experience. Each year we ask for sponsors, so that this Seder might be very family-affordable. Save your first night of Passover for TBT!
The URJ offers loads of on-line resources to help you celebrate Passover HERE.