

“More than Israel has kept the Sabbath, has the Sabbath kept Israel.”Ahad Ha’Am

TBT stained glass window reflections
Stained glass window reflections

Shabbat is the clock for Jewish living. In the story of creation in the Book of Genesis, we are taught that after the world was created in six days, the seventh day of creation was ordained as a day to rest from one’s labor. When we stop our endeavors, we can appreciate all that we have, re-center ourselves, and tend to the sacred space within ourselves.

Shabbat is the premiere time for us to come together as community, cease our labor, rejuvenate our souls through the gifts of friendship, song, prayer, learning, eating, and community.

Erev Shabbat is a joyful experience of communal prayer, singing, and socializing. Shabbat morning is an open, intimate, informal “minyan” style service, beginning at 10 a.m. Our Torah reading includes an English translation. Torah study generally follows the service. Currently, our services are in-person, and most are available remotely on Zoom. Please contact the Office for more information about Zoom options.

Check our website calendar for service times, and any special services we have planned for families, tots, or outdoors. And of course, an Oneg follows, as we relax over coffee and sweets, catching up with friends, and making new acquaintances.

 Shabbat Candle Lighting times for Ventura, CA 93004


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