Support TBT

Charitable Giving Funds

There are many ways to support Temple Beth Torah. If financial support is an option for you, here is a list of the different funds at Temple Beth Torah. You can donate online, by mail, or contact the TBT office and donate over the phone.

logo venturaca noword Annie Shapiro Torah School Fund

Created by Shirley Shapiro Radding (z”l) and Perry Shapiro (z”l) in memory of their mother, this fund underwrites Torah School tuition for families.

logo venturaca noword Bank Family Library Fund

Named in memory of Temple Presidents Ron (1943) and Myra Bank (1948), this fund, created by daughter Paula Reach, allows us to acquire contemporary Jewish books and classic Jewish texts, keeping our library relevant.

logo venturaca noword Bona and Larry Press Torah School Arts Fund

This arts and enrichment fund, established by Bona (z’l) and Larry Press (z’l), supplements Torah School.

logo venturaca noword Brotherhood Fund

This fund supports programming for Temple’s Brotherhood.

logo venturaca noword Building Fund

Supports ongoing maintenance, repair and improvement of our Temple buildings.

logo venturaca noword Cantor Robin’s Music Fund

Supports Cantor Robin in special projects and needs to enrich temple’s music in worship, Torah School education, choir, professional growth and more.

logo venturaca noword Dressler Shiva Platter Fund

Named in memory of her husband Harold Dressler, temple president in 1972, by Selma Dressler, this fund allows Temple to send a deli platter to our members’ homes for shiva, sustaining a family at a time of loss.

logo venturaca noword Educator’s Discretionary Fund

Supports Cliff Wilcox, as Director of Education, giving him discretionary resources to benefit Torah School projects or families.

logo venturaca noword General Fund

Donations help with temple expenses, under the guidance of the TBT Board of Directors.

logo venturaca noword Harris TBT PreSchool Fund

Created by Harvey and Jessica Harris, this fund grows resources for the Jewish Pre-School class of Children’s World.

logo venturaca noword Jewish Film Festival

Started in 2003, TBT has created and sustained an annual Jewish Film Festival, that, with donor support, brings quality films and speakers to the Ventura Jewish community.

logo venturaca noword L’Taken Fund  

This fund supports teens in the TBT youth group who travel to Washington, D.C., to take part in the URJ’s L’Taken social justice seminar.

logo venturaca noword Meister Youth Trip to Israel Fund

Created by Larry and Barbara Meister, this fund helps fund summer and semester programs for Temple teens to experience Israel. In recent years, this fund has help underwrite our bi-annual, Religious Action Center’s teen program in Washington, D.C., to learn Reform Jewish Social Values.

logo venturaca noword Murray Lieber Helping Hand Fund

Created by Murray Leiber (z”l), this fund is an immediate assistance fund for those experiencing hardship with basic needs.

logo venturaca noword Pavin Building Maintenance Fund

Established in memory of Jack Pavin, two-time temple president, this fund helps with the physical upkeep of our temple buildings.

logo venturaca noword Rabbi Lisa’s Discretionary Fund

Supports Rabbi Lisa in helping individuals, programs or organizations that need financial support, consistent with Temple’s values.

logo venturaca noword Sanctuary Renovation Fund  

Greatly needed renovation of the Temple Sanctuary to refresh the space and better engage the prayer community

logo venturaca noword Social Action Committee Fund

These funds either support programs that the committee is actively involved in, or allows the Committee to give tzedekah for social justice causes that reflect Reform Jewish values.

logo venturaca noword Steven S. Globerman Education Fund

Established by the Eagle Globerman & Kodama Foundation to provide Torah School scholarships at TBT based on financial need and to support Education Programs for TBT members.

logo venturaca noword TBT Legacy Fund

Ensures the future of our Reform congregation, and the vibrancy of Jewish life by providing long-term financial security for TBT’s religious, educational, community-oriented programs, our facility and staff.

logo venturaca noword Torah School Campership Fund

Helps provide temple children unique Jewish camping experiences.

logo venturaca noword Torah School Scholarship Fund

Helps underwrite Torah School expenses for Torah School families.

logo venturaca noword Worship & Celebrations Fund

This serves as a discretionary fund for the Ritual committee to utilize to plan special celebrations for Jewish holidays and Shabbat.

logo venturaca noword Women of TBT Fund

This sisterhood fund supports programming for Temple women.

logo venturaca noword Youth Activities Fund

This fund helps underwrite programming for our youth programs through VCTRY (grades 9-12), Junior VCTRY (grades 6-8) and Mini-VCTRY (grades 3-5).

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