Our Leadership 2023-24


Our Partnership-Led Congregation

I am incredibly fortunate to work with such a fine group of dedicated volunteers and professionals. We are a partnership-led congregation, where our lay leaders work hand-in-hand with our professional staff to create and maintain a caring and compassionate community.

If you are interested in volunteering for any of these committees please contact the committee chairs through the Temple office at 805 647-4181 or send an email to President@TempleBethTorah.com.

Board of Directors 2023-2024

PresidentNancy Marcus
Secretary/VP of Communications
VP of GovernancePam Small
VP of Worship and CelebrationsSara Alviani
VP of FinanceJoel Goldenberg
VP of FacilitiesBerta Steele
VP of Member EngagementAnn Kerman
VP of Education and Family
VP of Adult Learning and Programs
VP of Community Joy Goldowitz
Past President Representative
Pam Small
Member at LargeZachary Grossman
Brotherhood Jim Heller 
SisterhoodInessa Gelman

Committee Chairs

Banquet/CateringArlene Goldenberg
Caring Community
Cemetery Bob Braitman
Alan Kirschbaum
High Holy DaysSara Alviani
Joel Goldenberg, Russ Charvonia
Finance Joel Goldenberg
LibraryDeborah Pollack, Pam Small
Membership & OutreachAnn Kerman

RitualKaren Kinrose 
Social ActionEsther Sorkin
Torah School
Ventura County Jewish Film FestivalGary Feldman, Cliff Wilcox

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